almostdidntrunAnonymousNovember 10, 2017changedsports, changedmylife, bullied, trackandfield, wishihadjoinedsoonerComment Running cross country is a choice I'll never forget. almostdidntrunAnonymousNovember 10, 2017changedsports, changedmylife, bullied, trackandfield, wishihadjoinedsoonerComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousOctober 11, 2017from high school to college running, injury, changedsports, soccer, baseball, ankleinjury, disorderComment Running to an end When I started running it was because of soccer. I ran for fun in the fall while playing soccer and then played baseball in the spring. When I began I never would have thought the impact it would have on me. almostdidntrunAnonymousOctober 11, 2017from high school to college running, injury, changedsports, soccer, baseball, ankleinjury, disorderComment
storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment "I decided to quit band and join cross country" storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousSeptember 07, 2016xc, changedmylife, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamily, highschooler, changedsports, soccer, didntthinkiwasarunnerComment "I was afraid to try something new" almostdidntrunAnonymousSeptember 07, 2016xc, changedmylife, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamily, highschooler, changedsports, soccer, didntthinkiwasarunnerComment
almostdidntrunShania KellyAugust 11, 2016convinced, from high school to college running, collegerunner, highschooler, myteamismyfamily, iloverunning, changedsports, cheerleadingComment "My team is now my family and I couldn't be happier" almostdidntrunShania KellyAugust 11, 2016convinced, from high school to college running, collegerunner, highschooler, myteamismyfamily, iloverunning, changedsports, cheerleadingComment
almostdidntrunGracie VestAugust 09, 2016thought cross country was lame, didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, fromjvtovarsity, from jv to varsity, convinced, changedsports, basketball, softballComment "I thought only weird people ran" almostdidntrunGracie VestAugust 09, 2016thought cross country was lame, didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, fromjvtovarsity, from jv to varsity, convinced, changedsports, basketball, softballComment
almostdidntrunMac DeyoAugust 09, 2016changedsports, skippedfreshman, highschooler, football, soccerComment "I'm not amazingly good, but I'm not terrible" almostdidntrunMac DeyoAugust 09, 2016changedsports, skippedfreshman, highschooler, football, soccerComment
almostdidntrunAriel GirodAugust 09, 2016getinshape, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, changedsports, basketball, devestated, highschooler, depressed, happyComment "Did I really want to be a runner throughout high school?" almostdidntrunAriel GirodAugust 09, 2016getinshape, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, changedsports, basketball, devestated, highschooler, depressed, happyComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016changedsports, traumaticevent, death, softball, runningformore, confidenceComment "The one person who really believed in me was killed" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016changedsports, traumaticevent, death, softball, runningformore, confidenceComment
Ripley FribergAugust 07, 2016didntfitin, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, changedsports, soccer, softball, cheerleading, myteamismyfamily, dontbeafraid, ilovexcComment "I didn't have a passion for anything" Ripley FribergAugust 07, 2016didntfitin, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, changedsports, soccer, softball, cheerleading, myteamismyfamily, dontbeafraid, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunEmma BrownellAugust 05, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, figureskater, didntthinkiwasarunner, injury, myteamismyfamily, runningismyescape, iloverunning, statequalifier, workedhard, kneeinjuryComment "I never imagined I'd be a runner" almostdidntrunEmma BrownellAugust 05, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, figureskater, didntthinkiwasarunner, injury, myteamismyfamily, runningismyescape, iloverunning, statequalifier, workedhard, kneeinjuryComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016cross country, myteamismyfamily, changedsports, soccery, soccer, didntjointilljunior, started running junior year, wishihadjoinedsooner, iloverunning, injury, footinjury, from high school to college running, workedhard, pushyourself, stressfractureComment "whats a few injuries compared to forming some of the strongest friendships" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016cross country, myteamismyfamily, changedsports, soccery, soccer, didntjointilljunior, started running junior year, wishihadjoinedsooner, iloverunning, injury, footinjury, from high school to college running, workedhard, pushyourself, stressfractureComment
almostdidntrunMary NAugust 02, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, volleyball, didntthinkiwasarunner, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, didntfitin, myteamismyfamily, statequalifier, highschoolerComment "I wouldn't change sports for the world" almostdidntrunMary NAugust 02, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, volleyball, didntthinkiwasarunner, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, didntfitin, myteamismyfamily, statequalifier, highschoolerComment
almostdidntrunChaison LeavittJuly 29, 2016changedsports, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, halfmarathon, statequalifier, highschooler, iloverunningComment "dragged myself out of bed and unwillingly and ran" almostdidntrunChaison LeavittJuly 29, 2016changedsports, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, halfmarathon, statequalifier, highschooler, iloverunningComment
almostdidntrunSandro July 26, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, basketball, myteamismyfamily, ilovexc, skippedfreshman, skipped freshmanComment "cross country has shown me the beauty in pain" almostdidntrunSandro July 26, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, basketball, myteamismyfamily, ilovexc, skippedfreshman, skipped freshmanComment
almostdidntrunJenna GrallJuly 25, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, almostquit, changedmylife, workedhardComment "the first day of practice came and I was so nervous" almostdidntrunJenna GrallJuly 25, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, almostquit, changedmylife, workedhardComment
almostdidntrunMolly E.July 25, 2016almostdidntrun, swimmer, didntknowwhatxcwas, changedsports, workedhard, statequalifier, injury, iloverunningComment "I believe God was speaking to me when I injured my shoulder" almostdidntrunMolly E.July 25, 2016almostdidntrun, swimmer, didntknowwhatxcwas, changedsports, workedhard, statequalifier, injury, iloverunningComment
almostdidntrunAndrea RileyJuly 25, 2016afraidtojoin, changedsports, swimming, diving, ilovexc, iloverunning, instantlyinlove, myteamismyfamily, workedhardComment "in those 10 minutes, i fell head over heels with cross country" almostdidntrunAndrea RileyJuly 25, 2016afraidtojoin, changedsports, swimming, diving, ilovexc, iloverunning, instantlyinlove, myteamismyfamily, workedhardComment
almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment "The next day I went and INSTANTLY fell in love" almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016changedsports, cheerleading, coachbegged, ilovexcComment "coach said I looked like I could run xc" almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016changedsports, cheerleading, coachbegged, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunLindsey WilliamsJuly 25, 2016changedsports, fieldhockey, statequalifier, ilovexc, afraidtojoinComment "all the girls on the team were great friends, and I didn't talk to anyone" almostdidntrunLindsey WilliamsJuly 25, 2016changedsports, fieldhockey, statequalifier, ilovexc, afraidtojoinComment
almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment "It will always be worth it in the end" almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment
almostdidntrunBryanna RayneJuly 25, 2016changedsports, volleyball, improvedComment "they weren't pleased when I told them I was back in cross country" almostdidntrunBryanna RayneJuly 25, 2016changedsports, volleyball, improvedComment
almostdidntrunMilena RalstonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, parentsmademe, believeinyourself, changedsports, cheerleading, dontgiveupComment "I wanted to quit so bad, but my parents wouldn't let me" almostdidntrunMilena RalstonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, parentsmademe, believeinyourself, changedsports, cheerleading, dontgiveupComment