Makenzie JacobsenMarch 08, 2018injury, footinjury, bodyimage, plantarComment My Final Laps Makenzie JacobsenMarch 08, 2018injury, footinjury, bodyimage, plantarComment
PopularCamryn ReegJanuary 19, 2018footinjury, stressfractureComment The Sport I Love Anyway: Facing adversity. PopularCamryn ReegJanuary 19, 2018footinjury, stressfractureComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016cross country, myteamismyfamily, changedsports, soccery, soccer, didntjointilljunior, started running junior year, wishihadjoinedsooner, iloverunning, injury, footinjury, from high school to college running, workedhard, pushyourself, stressfractureComment "whats a few injuries compared to forming some of the strongest friendships" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016cross country, myteamismyfamily, changedsports, soccery, soccer, didntjointilljunior, started running junior year, wishihadjoinedsooner, iloverunning, injury, footinjury, from high school to college running, workedhard, pushyourself, stressfractureComment
almostdidntrunMarissa LordahlJuly 19, 2016injury, myteamismyfamily, footinjury, ilovexcComment "For the longest time I couldn't run more than a mile" almostdidntrunMarissa LordahlJuly 19, 2016injury, myteamismyfamily, footinjury, ilovexcComment