almostdidntrunLuke PedersenAugust 05, 2016myteamismyfamily, ilovexc, deaf, didntfitin, halfmarathon, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexcComment "It's a sport where I can be myself" almostdidntrunLuke PedersenAugust 05, 2016myteamismyfamily, ilovexc, deaf, didntfitin, halfmarathon, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexcComment
almostdidntrunChaison LeavittJuly 29, 2016changedsports, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, halfmarathon, statequalifier, highschooler, iloverunningComment "dragged myself out of bed and unwillingly and ran" almostdidntrunChaison LeavittJuly 29, 2016changedsports, soccer, baseball, basketball, hockey, halfmarathon, statequalifier, highschooler, iloverunningComment
almostdidntrunHaley SteenJuly 23, 2016injury, kneeinjury, ilovexc, halfmarathon, hipinjuryComment "started training for the half marathon and ended up getting 3rd" almostdidntrunHaley SteenJuly 23, 2016injury, kneeinjury, ilovexc, halfmarathon, hipinjuryComment