almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016running, moved, didntfitin, coachbegged, couldntrunamile, injury, almostquit, tryingtofindmotivationComment "I ran my first practice in 11 months today" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016running, moved, didntfitin, coachbegged, couldntrunamile, injury, almostquit, tryingtofindmotivationComment
almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment "The next day I went and INSTANTLY fell in love" almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016changedsports, cheerleading, coachbegged, ilovexcComment "coach said I looked like I could run xc" almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016changedsports, cheerleading, coachbegged, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunJess ( @YungJhess )July 23, 2016changedsports, football, coachbegged, convinced, injury, cardiacarrest, statequalifier, iloverunning, ilovexcComment "I nearly went into cardiac arrest during one of our big races" almostdidntrunJess ( @YungJhess )July 23, 2016changedsports, football, coachbegged, convinced, injury, cardiacarrest, statequalifier, iloverunning, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunCornelia ( @cornnb )July 23, 2016sprinter, convinced, coachbegged, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment "So i signed up and boy was I in for the best experience of my life" almostdidntrunCornelia ( @cornnb )July 23, 2016sprinter, convinced, coachbegged, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunCynthia EchelonJuly 23, 2016coachbegged, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, iloverunning, ilovexc, ilovemycoachComment " "you have talent" and i responded by saying "really??" " almostdidntrunCynthia EchelonJuly 23, 2016coachbegged, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, iloverunning, ilovexc, ilovemycoachComment
almostdidntrunBrooklyn (@brooklyn_ing)July 23, 2016parentsforced, parentsmademe, coachbegged, convinced, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, myteamismyfamilyComment "I refused to go get the info because the XC boys looked so scary" almostdidntrunBrooklyn (@brooklyn_ing)July 23, 2016parentsforced, parentsmademe, coachbegged, convinced, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunNatalee ( @nland713 )July 21, 2016coachbegged, middle school, changedmylife, changedsports, volleyballComment "I hated it, and them so much. I cried before my races" almostdidntrunNatalee ( @nland713 )July 21, 2016coachbegged, middle school, changedmylife, changedsports, volleyballComment
almostdidntrunJewel YanekJuly 21, 2016skippedfreshman, ilovexc, bestdecision, coachbeggedComment "joining XC was the best decision I've ever made by far" almostdidntrunJewel YanekJuly 21, 2016skippedfreshman, ilovexc, bestdecision, coachbeggedComment
almostdidntrunJohn Hollis TackettJuly 20, 2016statequalifier, fromjvtovarsity, coachbegged, ilovexcComment "I hated it, so I didn't come back the next year" almostdidntrunJohn Hollis TackettJuly 20, 2016statequalifier, fromjvtovarsity, coachbegged, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunSlan ( @slanimalpart3 )July 20, 2016wasntveryathletics, coachbegged, almostquit, wasntveryathletic, improved, myteamismyfamilyComment "I wasn't very athletic" almostdidntrunSlan ( @slanimalpart3 )July 20, 2016wasntveryathletics, coachbegged, almostquit, wasntveryathletic, improved, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunNick MaderoJuly 20, 2016high school, changedsports, soccer, coachbegged, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment "The cuts had to be made, and I was one of them" almostdidntrunNick MaderoJuly 20, 2016high school, changedsports, soccer, coachbegged, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunCarson CarrollJuly 20, 2016changedsports, soccer, high school, coachbegged, regretnotjoiningsooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, wish i started sooner, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamilyComment "I have played soccer all of my life" almostdidntrunCarson CarrollJuly 20, 2016changedsports, soccer, high school, coachbegged, regretnotjoiningsooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, wish i started sooner, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunEm ( @emaleek18 )July 19, 2016coachbegged, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexcComment "Before I joined I didn't really have a lot of friends" almostdidntrunEm ( @emaleek18 )July 19, 2016coachbegged, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexcComment
almostdidntrunKaitlin ReganJuly 19, 2016ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, coachbegged, from high school to college runningComment The PE coach made me join cross country almostdidntrunKaitlin ReganJuly 19, 2016ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, coachbegged, from high school to college runningComment
almostdidntrunDylan BaumanJuly 19, 2016soccer, coachbegged, ilovexcComment "I was a die hard and hardcore soccer player" almostdidntrunDylan BaumanJuly 19, 2016soccer, coachbegged, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016coachbegged, selfdoubt, not the fastest, skipped freshman, from jv to varsity I almost didn't run cross country #3 almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016coachbegged, selfdoubt, not the fastest, skipped freshman, from jv to varsity