almostdidntrunGracey ShroutAugust 09, 2016highschooler, middle school, workedhard, inspired, injury, hipinjury, worked hard, myteamismyfamily, mcfarlandusa, almostquitComment "Mcfarland USA inspired me to be amazing" almostdidntrunGracey ShroutAugust 09, 2016highschooler, middle school, workedhard, inspired, injury, hipinjury, worked hard, myteamismyfamily, mcfarlandusa, almostquitComment
almostdidntrunAudrey WoychickAugust 05, 2016running, injury, stressfracture, almostquit, gladistuckwithitComment "I got a stress fracture" almostdidntrunAudrey WoychickAugust 05, 2016running, injury, stressfracture, almostquit, gladistuckwithitComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016running, moved, didntfitin, coachbegged, couldntrunamile, injury, almostquit, tryingtofindmotivationComment "I ran my first practice in 11 months today" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 02, 2016running, moved, didntfitin, coachbegged, couldntrunamile, injury, almostquit, tryingtofindmotivationComment
almostdidntrunJenna GrallJuly 25, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, almostquit, changedmylife, workedhardComment "the first day of practice came and I was so nervous" almostdidntrunJenna GrallJuly 25, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, almostquit, changedmylife, workedhardComment
almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment "It will always be worth it in the end" almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment
almostdidntrunMilena RalstonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, parentsmademe, believeinyourself, changedsports, cheerleading, dontgiveupComment "I wanted to quit so bad, but my parents wouldn't let me" almostdidntrunMilena RalstonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, parentsmademe, believeinyourself, changedsports, cheerleading, dontgiveupComment
almostdidntrunashley burtJuly 25, 2016ihatedit, asthma, bestdecision, almostquit, worked hardComment "I've taken 4 minutes off my mile" almostdidntrunashley burtJuly 25, 2016ihatedit, asthma, bestdecision, almostquit, worked hardComment
almostdidntrunJustin Hunter HansonJuly 24, 2016middleschool, almostquit, statequalifier, from high school to college runningComment "I had never run more than 3 miles, so I almost died" almostdidntrunJustin Hunter HansonJuly 24, 2016middleschool, almostquit, statequalifier, from high school to college runningComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 23, 2016middleschool, changedsports, soccer, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, almostquit, death, diversity, myteamismyfamilyComment In the eyes of diversity, the team became a family. almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 23, 2016middleschool, changedsports, soccer, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, almostquit, death, diversity, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunRebecca TalasekJuly 23, 2016changedmylife, ilovemycoach, almostquit, ilovexc, iloverunning, coachesComment "I'm so thankful for my coach, she changed my life" almostdidntrunRebecca TalasekJuly 23, 2016changedmylife, ilovemycoach, almostquit, ilovexc, iloverunning, coachesComment
almostdidntrunKen ( @mckennzie22 )July 23, 2016changedsports, soccer, unsure signing up, myteamismyfamily, almostquit, changedmylifeComment "they became my best friends, and nothing could ever come close to our bond" almostdidntrunKen ( @mckennzie22 )July 23, 2016changedsports, soccer, unsure signing up, myteamismyfamily, almostquit, changedmylifeComment
almostdidntrunSarita FloresJuly 21, 2016couldntrunamile, almostquit, parentsforced, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment "At first I couldn't even run a mile" almostdidntrunSarita FloresJuly 21, 2016couldntrunamile, almostquit, parentsforced, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunSlan ( @slanimalpart3 )July 20, 2016wasntveryathletics, coachbegged, almostquit, wasntveryathletic, improved, myteamismyfamilyComment "I wasn't very athletic" almostdidntrunSlan ( @slanimalpart3 )July 20, 2016wasntveryathletics, coachbegged, almostquit, wasntveryathletic, improved, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunjwong ( @dumpsterdiver1 )July 19, 2016friend, ilovexc, skippedfreshman, myteamismyfamily, almostquit, igotlost, lostComment "I was alone without a watch, and nobody around" almostdidntrunjwong ( @dumpsterdiver1 )July 19, 2016friend, ilovexc, skippedfreshman, myteamismyfamily, almostquit, igotlost, lostComment
almostdidntrunLucas VanMeterJuly 19, 2016ilovexc, ihatedit, almostquitComment "I almost walked away from the sport" almostdidntrunLucas VanMeterJuly 19, 2016ilovexc, ihatedit, almostquitComment
almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016ilovexc, sprinter, skippedfreshman, almostquit, myteamismyfamilyComment "I had set my eyes on being a sprinter" almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016ilovexc, sprinter, skippedfreshman, almostquit, myteamismyfamilyComment