AnonymousApril 25, 2018ilovemycoachComment The Best Coach Ever. AnonymousApril 25, 2018ilovemycoachComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousSeptember 07, 2016xc, changedmylife, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamily, highschooler, changedsports, soccer, didntthinkiwasarunnerComment "I was afraid to try something new" almostdidntrunAnonymousSeptember 07, 2016xc, changedmylife, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamily, highschooler, changedsports, soccer, didntthinkiwasarunnerComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 27, 2016highschooler, not the fastest, injury, thrower, sprinter, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamilyComment "We are running together and suffering together" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 27, 2016highschooler, not the fastest, injury, thrower, sprinter, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 25, 2016parentswererunners, wantedtobelikedad, hipinjury, injury, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamilyComment "I hurt my hip enough to keep me from running the next two years" almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 25, 2016parentswererunners, wantedtobelikedad, hipinjury, injury, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunRebecca TalasekJuly 23, 2016changedmylife, ilovemycoach, almostquit, ilovexc, iloverunning, coachesComment "I'm so thankful for my coach, she changed my life" almostdidntrunRebecca TalasekJuly 23, 2016changedmylife, ilovemycoach, almostquit, ilovexc, iloverunning, coachesComment
almostdidntrunEmma DonnellyJuly 23, 2016ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedsports, volleyball, didntmaketeamComment "Although he already knew, he acted surprised when I told him I didn't make the team" almostdidntrunEmma DonnellyJuly 23, 2016ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedsports, volleyball, didntmaketeamComment
almostdidntrunCynthia EchelonJuly 23, 2016coachbegged, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, iloverunning, ilovexc, ilovemycoachComment " "you have talent" and i responded by saying "really??" " almostdidntrunCynthia EchelonJuly 23, 2016coachbegged, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, iloverunning, ilovexc, ilovemycoachComment
almostdidntrunBrooklyn (@brooklyn_ing)July 23, 2016parentsforced, parentsmademe, coachbegged, convinced, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, myteamismyfamilyComment "I refused to go get the info because the XC boys looked so scary" almostdidntrunBrooklyn (@brooklyn_ing)July 23, 2016parentsforced, parentsmademe, coachbegged, convinced, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunKatie TraverJuly 23, 2016skippedfreshman, ilovemycoach, changedmylife, changedsports, swimming, wastoldiwasntgoodComment "I was basically told to just give up because I wasn't fast enough" almostdidntrunKatie TraverJuly 23, 2016skippedfreshman, ilovemycoach, changedmylife, changedsports, swimming, wastoldiwasntgoodComment
almostdidntrunAli TommasJuly 20, 2016changedsports, volleyball, ilovemycoach, injury, shin splints, stressfracture, ilovexc, unsure signing up, coachesComment "I've battled shin splints and stress fractures and he never once lost faith in me" almostdidntrunAli TommasJuly 20, 2016changedsports, volleyball, ilovemycoach, injury, shin splints, stressfracture, ilovexc, unsure signing up, coachesComment
almostdidntrunCarson CarrollJuly 20, 2016changedsports, soccer, high school, coachbegged, regretnotjoiningsooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, wish i started sooner, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamilyComment "I have played soccer all of my life" almostdidntrunCarson CarrollJuly 20, 2016changedsports, soccer, high school, coachbegged, regretnotjoiningsooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, wish i started sooner, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunGabby DeSanctisJuly 19, 2016swimming, worked hard, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, thought cross country was lame, changedsports "I thought cross country was lame" almostdidntrunGabby DeSanctisJuly 19, 2016swimming, worked hard, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, thought cross country was lame, changedsports
almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016i want to coach, cross country family, ilovemycoach, where i belong, felt rightComment "When I first went to practice I knew I had to stay" almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016i want to coach, cross country family, ilovemycoach, where i belong, felt rightComment