"dragged myself out of bed and unwillingly and ran"
I always struggled to find a sport that I really fit in to. I tried soccer, baseball, basketball, and even a little bit of hockey. I didn't find running until my 12th birthday. My uncle told me I had six months to train for a half marathon we'd be doing in the winter. I was horrified. I woke up everyday for six months, dragged myself out of bed and unwillingly ran. It wasn't until after my first race, a local 5k, that my interest slowly set in. 5 years, 2 XC and 3 track seasons later. I ended up running at state this last year for my team and hope to do it again in my last season coming up. Running overall is a part of me now
- @Chaison_Leavitt ( Chaison )
Chaison Leavitt