storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury I realized that everything that I was worried about didn't matter storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury
storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment "I decided to quit band and join cross country" storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment
almostdidntrunAudrey WoychickAugust 05, 2016running, injury, stressfracture, almostquit, gladistuckwithitComment "I got a stress fracture" almostdidntrunAudrey WoychickAugust 05, 2016running, injury, stressfracture, almostquit, gladistuckwithitComment
almostdidntrunMichelle FormatoAugust 02, 2016collegerunner, selfdoubt, workedhard, injury, overcome, gladistuckwithit, devestated, failuretosuccess, didntgiveupComment "I was so sure that there would be no way I'd make it on the team" almostdidntrunMichelle FormatoAugust 02, 2016collegerunner, selfdoubt, workedhard, injury, overcome, gladistuckwithit, devestated, failuretosuccess, didntgiveupComment