stories, mental, motivationMatt AdamsNovember 13, 2016bodyimage, collegerunner, from high school to college running, motivation, inspiring, workedhard, myteamismyfamily, getinshape, lostweightComment And on the 8th day Coach said "Good Job" stories, mental, motivationMatt AdamsNovember 13, 2016bodyimage, collegerunner, from high school to college running, motivation, inspiring, workedhard, myteamismyfamily, getinshape, lostweightComment
storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury I realized that everything that I was worried about didn't matter storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury
almostdidntrun, storiesAlice WuSeptember 12, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, inspiring, longreads, happy, happier, stronger, myteamismyfamily, friendship, meetgreatpeople, workedhardComment "My first cross country meet" almostdidntrun, storiesAlice WuSeptember 12, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, inspiring, longreads, happy, happier, stronger, myteamismyfamily, friendship, meetgreatpeople, workedhardComment
storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment "I decided to quit band and join cross country" storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment
almostdidntrun, storiesDavid PilloAugust 29, 2016myteamismyfamily, highschooler, not the fastest, totherookiesComment A note to all rookies almostdidntrun, storiesDavid PilloAugust 29, 2016myteamismyfamily, highschooler, not the fastest, totherookiesComment