storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury I realized that everything that I was worried about didn't matter storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury
almostdidntrunGracie VestAugust 09, 2016thought cross country was lame, didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, fromjvtovarsity, from jv to varsity, convinced, changedsports, basketball, softballComment "I thought only weird people ran" almostdidntrunGracie VestAugust 09, 2016thought cross country was lame, didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, fromjvtovarsity, from jv to varsity, convinced, changedsports, basketball, softballComment
almostdidntrunEmma ChicoineAugust 07, 2016middleschool, highschooler, couldntrunamile, statequalifier, from jv to varsity, fromjvtovarsity, ilovexc, convincedComment "I saw my mom cheering me on and I just started crying" almostdidntrunEmma ChicoineAugust 07, 2016middleschool, highschooler, couldntrunamile, statequalifier, from jv to varsity, fromjvtovarsity, ilovexc, convincedComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016from high school to college running, from jv to varsity, shin splints, stressfracture, injury, captain, divisionone, college, workedhard, thankfulComment "I am now running for a division one collegiate team" almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016from high school to college running, from jv to varsity, shin splints, stressfracture, injury, captain, divisionone, college, workedhard, thankfulComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016outofshape, getinshape, lostweight, overweight, spinalfusion, from jv to varsity, wishihadjoinedsoonerComment "Freshman year, I was overweight. Sophomore year, I was recovering from surgery" almostdidntrunAnonymousJuly 25, 2016outofshape, getinshape, lostweight, overweight, spinalfusion, from jv to varsity, wishihadjoinedsoonerComment
almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment "The next day I went and INSTANTLY fell in love" almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment
almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment "It will always be worth it in the end" almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment
almostdidntrunBraden CrossJuly 25, 2016startedrunningfreshman, girl, impressagirl, from jv to varsity, myteamismyfamily, workedhard, kneeinjuryComment "I started cross country freshman year as a way to impress a girl" almostdidntrunBraden CrossJuly 25, 2016startedrunningfreshman, girl, impressagirl, from jv to varsity, myteamismyfamily, workedhard, kneeinjuryComment
almostdidntrunBrooke LeanyJuly 24, 2016asthma, couldntrunamile, slowestontheteam, from jv to varsity, statequalifier, changedmylife, didntfitinComment "I'm a triplet and while my sisters went to softball, soccer, volleyball, I sat at home and read" almostdidntrunBrooke LeanyJuly 24, 2016asthma, couldntrunamile, slowestontheteam, from jv to varsity, statequalifier, changedmylife, didntfitinComment
almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016coachbegged, selfdoubt, not the fastest, skipped freshman, from jv to varsity I almost didn't run cross country #3 almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016coachbegged, selfdoubt, not the fastest, skipped freshman, from jv to varsity