mentalAnonymous -March 09, 2018bodyimage, highschooler, depression, depressed, suicide, tooktimeoff, overcomeComment Mental Health or Track mentalAnonymous -March 09, 2018bodyimage, highschooler, depression, depressed, suicide, tooktimeoff, overcomeComment
almostdidntrunAriel GirodAugust 09, 2016getinshape, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, changedsports, basketball, devestated, highschooler, depressed, happyComment "Did I really want to be a runner throughout high school?" almostdidntrunAriel GirodAugust 09, 2016getinshape, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, changedsports, basketball, devestated, highschooler, depressed, happyComment
almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment "The next day I went and INSTANTLY fell in love" almostdidntrunrunner kidJuly 25, 2016bullied, depressed, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, coachbegged, changedsports, soccer, ilovexc, myteamismyfamily, from jv to varsityComment
almostdidntrunRaina From Pittsburgh July 23, 2016wish i started sooner, started running junior year, changedmylife, myteamismyfamily, sprinter, depressedComment "I say I hate cross country, but deep down it changed my life" almostdidntrunRaina From Pittsburgh July 23, 2016wish i started sooner, started running junior year, changedmylife, myteamismyfamily, sprinter, depressedComment