almostdidntrunAnonymousNovember 10, 2017changedsports, changedmylife, bullied, trackandfield, wishihadjoinedsoonerComment Running cross country is a choice I'll never forget. almostdidntrunAnonymousNovember 10, 2017changedsports, changedmylife, bullied, trackandfield, wishihadjoinedsoonerComment
storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury I realized that everything that I was worried about didn't matter storiesAnonymousNovember 13, 2016injury, gladistuckwithit, myteamismyfamily, believeinyourself, scaredofgettinginjured, from jv to varsity, changedmylife, dislocated, fastreads, kneeinjury
storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment "I decided to quit band and join cross country" storiesAnonymousSeptember 10, 2016changedmylife, changedsports, band, ihatedit, ihatedrunning, gladistuckwithit, itbsComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousSeptember 07, 2016xc, changedmylife, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamily, highschooler, changedsports, soccer, didntthinkiwasarunnerComment "I was afraid to try something new" almostdidntrunAnonymousSeptember 07, 2016xc, changedmylife, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamily, highschooler, changedsports, soccer, didntthinkiwasarunnerComment
almostdidntrunAriel GirodAugust 09, 2016getinshape, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, changedsports, basketball, devestated, highschooler, depressed, happyComment "Did I really want to be a runner throughout high school?" almostdidntrunAriel GirodAugust 09, 2016getinshape, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, changedsports, basketball, devestated, highschooler, depressed, happyComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016running, not the fastest, selfdoubt, confidence, workedhard, pushyourself, changedmylife, myteamismyfamilyComment "No one believed in us" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016running, not the fastest, selfdoubt, confidence, workedhard, pushyourself, changedmylife, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunPriya BhutaniAugust 07, 2016collegerunner, from high school to college running, confidence, changedmylife, iloverunning, ilovexcComment "It took me until the end to realize the impact XC had on my life" almostdidntrunPriya BhutaniAugust 07, 2016collegerunner, from high school to college running, confidence, changedmylife, iloverunning, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunJenna GrallJuly 25, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, almostquit, changedmylife, workedhardComment "the first day of practice came and I was so nervous" almostdidntrunJenna GrallJuly 25, 2016almostdidntrun, changedsports, almostquit, changedmylife, workedhardComment
almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment "It will always be worth it in the end" almostdidntrunDustin StuddonJuly 25, 2016almostquit, changedmylife, workedhard, worthit, changedsports, baseball, soccer, from jv to varsity, couldntrunamileComment
almostdidntrunMegan McPhersonJuly 25, 2016wasntthatgood, health, injury, setbacks, didntjointilljunior, started running junior year, changedmylifeComment "I have never been happier, cross country has made my life 100% better" almostdidntrunMegan McPhersonJuly 25, 2016wasntthatgood, health, injury, setbacks, didntjointilljunior, started running junior year, changedmylifeComment
almostdidntrunJD MurrayJuly 24, 2016didntfitin, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, basketball, changedsports, bestdecision, changedmylifeComment "I decided to quit basketball" almostdidntrunJD MurrayJuly 24, 2016didntfitin, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, basketball, changedsports, bestdecision, changedmylifeComment
almostdidntrunBrooke LeanyJuly 24, 2016asthma, couldntrunamile, slowestontheteam, from jv to varsity, statequalifier, changedmylife, didntfitinComment "I'm a triplet and while my sisters went to softball, soccer, volleyball, I sat at home and read" almostdidntrunBrooke LeanyJuly 24, 2016asthma, couldntrunamile, slowestontheteam, from jv to varsity, statequalifier, changedmylife, didntfitinComment
almostdidntrunEmmakate AlfordJuly 24, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, eatingdisorder, savedmylife, changedmylifeComment "I began having some issues with eating and started starving myself" almostdidntrunEmmakate AlfordJuly 24, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, eatingdisorder, savedmylife, changedmylifeComment
almostdidntrunChristian LudtkeJuly 24, 2016kneeinjury, injury, neverrunagain, changedmylife, ilovexcComment "I had been told I would never run again" almostdidntrunChristian LudtkeJuly 24, 2016kneeinjury, injury, neverrunagain, changedmylife, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunRaina From Pittsburgh July 23, 2016wish i started sooner, started running junior year, changedmylife, myteamismyfamily, sprinter, depressedComment "I say I hate cross country, but deep down it changed my life" almostdidntrunRaina From Pittsburgh July 23, 2016wish i started sooner, started running junior year, changedmylife, myteamismyfamily, sprinter, depressedComment
almostdidntrunRebecca TalasekJuly 23, 2016changedmylife, ilovemycoach, almostquit, ilovexc, iloverunning, coachesComment "I'm so thankful for my coach, she changed my life" almostdidntrunRebecca TalasekJuly 23, 2016changedmylife, ilovemycoach, almostquit, ilovexc, iloverunning, coachesComment
almostdidntrunErin LeConeyJuly 23, 2016skippedfreshman, wasntthatgood, myteamismyfamily, changedmylifeComment "I was the really quiet girl who wasn't even that good" almostdidntrunErin LeConeyJuly 23, 2016skippedfreshman, wasntthatgood, myteamismyfamily, changedmylifeComment
almostdidntrunCali Marie DowdleJuly 23, 2016ilovexc, changedmylife, myteamismyfamilyComment "I can't imagine my summer and fall without it now" almostdidntrunCali Marie DowdleJuly 23, 2016ilovexc, changedmylife, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunMackenzie MorelandJuly 23, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, ilovexc, bulliedComment "I felt like I was worth something when I ran" almostdidntrunMackenzie MorelandJuly 23, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, myteamismyfamily, changedmylife, ilovexc, bulliedComment
almostdidntrunJessica HomanJuly 23, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, changedmylife, myteamismyfamily, iloverunningComment "I was in tears because I didn't know how anyone could like running" almostdidntrunJessica HomanJuly 23, 2016didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, changedmylife, myteamismyfamily, iloverunningComment
almostdidntrunKen ( @mckennzie22 )July 23, 2016changedsports, soccer, unsure signing up, myteamismyfamily, almostquit, changedmylifeComment "they became my best friends, and nothing could ever come close to our bond" almostdidntrunKen ( @mckennzie22 )July 23, 2016changedsports, soccer, unsure signing up, myteamismyfamily, almostquit, changedmylifeComment
almostdidntrunKatie TraverJuly 23, 2016skippedfreshman, ilovemycoach, changedmylife, changedsports, swimming, wastoldiwasntgoodComment "I was basically told to just give up because I wasn't fast enough" almostdidntrunKatie TraverJuly 23, 2016skippedfreshman, ilovemycoach, changedmylife, changedsports, swimming, wastoldiwasntgoodComment
almostdidntrunMachado ( @machado1923 )July 21, 2016changedmyviewonrunning, ihatedit, myteamismyfamily, bestdecision, changedmylife, from high school to college running, ilovexcComment "I had blisters and was sore, but I didn't give up" almostdidntrunMachado ( @machado1923 )July 21, 2016changedmyviewonrunning, ihatedit, myteamismyfamily, bestdecision, changedmylife, from high school to college running, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunMadison ObernesserJuly 21, 2016from high school to college running, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovexc, changedmylifeComment "I started getting recruited by college coaches, it felt unreal" almostdidntrunMadison ObernesserJuly 21, 2016from high school to college running, changedmyviewonrunning, ilovexc, changedmylifeComment