almostdidntrunGracie VestAugust 09, 2016thought cross country was lame, didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, fromjvtovarsity, from jv to varsity, convinced, changedsports, basketball, softballComment "I thought only weird people ran" almostdidntrunGracie VestAugust 09, 2016thought cross country was lame, didntthinkiwasarunner, ilovexc, fromjvtovarsity, from jv to varsity, convinced, changedsports, basketball, softballComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016changedsports, traumaticevent, death, softball, runningformore, confidenceComment "The one person who really believed in me was killed" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016changedsports, traumaticevent, death, softball, runningformore, confidenceComment
Ripley FribergAugust 07, 2016didntfitin, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, changedsports, soccer, softball, cheerleading, myteamismyfamily, dontbeafraid, ilovexcComment "I didn't have a passion for anything" Ripley FribergAugust 07, 2016didntfitin, didnthavemanyfriendsbeforexc, changedsports, soccer, softball, cheerleading, myteamismyfamily, dontbeafraid, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunAmanda MacTurkeyJuly 23, 2016myteamismyfamily, changedsports, softball, ilovexcComment "track and cross country aren't just about running, they're about family" almostdidntrunAmanda MacTurkeyJuly 23, 2016myteamismyfamily, changedsports, softball, ilovexcComment