AnonymousMarch 19, 2018injured, indianarunner, from high school to college running, collegerunner, stressfracture, itbsComment A Letter To The Injured. AnonymousMarch 19, 2018injured, indianarunner, from high school to college running, collegerunner, stressfracture, itbsComment
stories, mental, motivationMatt AdamsNovember 13, 2016bodyimage, collegerunner, from high school to college running, motivation, inspiring, workedhard, myteamismyfamily, getinshape, lostweightComment And on the 8th day Coach said "Good Job" stories, mental, motivationMatt AdamsNovember 13, 2016bodyimage, collegerunner, from high school to college running, motivation, inspiring, workedhard, myteamismyfamily, getinshape, lostweightComment
almostdidntrunShania KellyAugust 11, 2016convinced, from high school to college running, collegerunner, highschooler, myteamismyfamily, iloverunning, changedsports, cheerleadingComment "My team is now my family and I couldn't be happier" almostdidntrunShania KellyAugust 11, 2016convinced, from high school to college running, collegerunner, highschooler, myteamismyfamily, iloverunning, changedsports, cheerleadingComment
almostdidntrunPriya BhutaniAugust 07, 2016collegerunner, from high school to college running, confidence, changedmylife, iloverunning, ilovexcComment "It took me until the end to realize the impact XC had on my life" almostdidntrunPriya BhutaniAugust 07, 2016collegerunner, from high school to college running, confidence, changedmylife, iloverunning, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunMichelle FormatoAugust 02, 2016collegerunner, selfdoubt, workedhard, injury, overcome, gladistuckwithit, devestated, failuretosuccess, didntgiveupComment "I was so sure that there would be no way I'd make it on the team" almostdidntrunMichelle FormatoAugust 02, 2016collegerunner, selfdoubt, workedhard, injury, overcome, gladistuckwithit, devestated, failuretosuccess, didntgiveupComment