"I say I hate cross country, but deep down it changed my life"
Felt inspired by the other messages! I almost didn't run cross country. In fact, I only started running my junior year. I played soccer for 10 years but it just wasn't working out. My life sucked and I just felt so lost and fell into a depressive state. I had run track the year prior and I didn't have a fall sport anymore so I decided to give XC a try. I'm much more of a track/sprints person but in a weird way, joining the cross country team was one of the best things I ever did. I found a family. I found people who loved me. And while the running part of it sucked, I wouldn't have given up the experience for anything. I say I hate cross country, but deep down I know it changed my life.
- @tbhitsR ( raina )
Raina From Pittsburgh