"I was the really quiet girl who wasn't even that good"
I joined cross country my sophomore year extremely nervous, and not knowing many people. I was the really quiet girl who wasn't even that good. But as the season went on, and I got to know the girls, everything became so much better. To be fair, I was not very good at running and still am not, I just loved the team and they became my family. Junior year rolled by, and it was even better then before. I have never been so close to a group of girls before and now almost all my closest friends run cross country. We are the craziest group of girls out there, but we don't care. It's sad now to realize my senior year begins in the fall and I'm not ready to have one last season, one last meet, one last moment with the best team. Looking back and realizing that I could've quit, could've pretended all those sore muscles and aching legs were more serious, I wouldn't be where I am today without cross country.
- @runningERINs115 ( Erin LeConey )