almostdidntrun, storiesDavid PilloAugust 29, 2016myteamismyfamily, highschooler, not the fastest, totherookiesComment A note to all rookies almostdidntrun, storiesDavid PilloAugust 29, 2016myteamismyfamily, highschooler, not the fastest, totherookiesComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 28, 2016not the fastest, wish i started sooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, ilovethechallenge, myteamismyfamily, friendships, shy, middle school, highschoolerComment "Running has turned me into someone I never thought I'd be" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 28, 2016not the fastest, wish i started sooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, ilovethechallenge, myteamismyfamily, friendships, shy, middle school, highschoolerComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 27, 2016highschooler, not the fastest, injury, thrower, sprinter, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamilyComment "We are running together and suffering together" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 27, 2016highschooler, not the fastest, injury, thrower, sprinter, ilovemycoach, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016running, not the fastest, selfdoubt, confidence, workedhard, pushyourself, changedmylife, myteamismyfamilyComment "No one believed in us" almostdidntrunAnonymousAugust 09, 2016running, not the fastest, selfdoubt, confidence, workedhard, pushyourself, changedmylife, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunEmma Grace ReVilleJuly 20, 2016almostdidntrun, injury, knee, kneeinjury, not the fastest, itsmorethanamedal, myteamismyfamily, convinced, ilovexcComment "I was laughing at the fact she thought I would run" almostdidntrunEmma Grace ReVilleJuly 20, 2016almostdidntrun, injury, knee, kneeinjury, not the fastest, itsmorethanamedal, myteamismyfamily, convinced, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016coachbegged, selfdoubt, not the fastest, skipped freshman, from jv to varsity I almost didn't run cross country #3 almostdidntrunJacob LutzJuly 19, 2016coachbegged, selfdoubt, not the fastest, skipped freshman, from jv to varsity