"I'm a triplet and while my sisters went to softball, soccer, volleyball, I sat at home and read"
I almost didn't run cross country, during middle school and my whole life before it I failed at every single sport I tried. I'm a triplet and while my sisters went to softball soccer volleyball and gymnastics practices I sat at home and read. I enjoyed reading but the reason I didn't play sports was because I was bad at them. My two older sisters had run cross country so me and my triplet sisters tried it. I couldn't run the 800m warm up when I started. I was desperately out of shape and extremely asthmatic. The wind, desert sand, and 100° weather didn't help. I remember coming back from run and hanging on the fence outside the football field to keep from passing out on 3 mile easy days. I was the slowest girl at inter murals. But I was lucky, my coach decided to do this insane experiment where he kept every single girl on the team that year. We had over 50 girls and I was the worst. My older sisters friend who was then a senior made me promise her that I would work my hardest every single day even though I wouldn't be cut. Because of her I ran cross country and it was the first thing I ended up being good at. The next year I ran my heart out and got a varsity letter and our team won state. Being good at XC made me more confident and I joined student council and got better grades and none of it would've happened if I hadn't made that promise.
- @bcookie08 ( Brooke Leany )