almostdidntrunElias ( @imnotelimanning)July 25, 2016basketball, didntmaketeam, captain, middleschool, didnttakeitseriouslyComment "I didn't take the sport seriously at first" almostdidntrunElias ( @imnotelimanning)July 25, 2016basketball, didntmaketeam, captain, middleschool, didnttakeitseriouslyComment
almostdidntrunEmma DonnellyJuly 23, 2016ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedsports, volleyball, didntmaketeamComment "Although he already knew, he acted surprised when I told him I didn't make the team" almostdidntrunEmma DonnellyJuly 23, 2016ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedsports, volleyball, didntmaketeamComment