"Although he already knew, he acted surprised when I told him I didn't make the team"
This is my I almost didn't run Xc story my school is grades 7-12 so in 7th grade I decided I was going to try out for the volleyball team.. I had worked really hard and had gone to clinics over the summer. The tryouts were a week long and some of the players who were on the team convinced me that I would be chosen for the last spot on the team. well I wasn't. I was completely devastated. The xc coach at my school was also my gym teacher in 7th grade. The very next day he confronted me about volleyball. Although he already knew he acted surprised when I told him I didn't make the team he then continued to offer xc as an alternative. I immediately shut him down. After a week of gym class convincing I finally decided to show up to practice. I have been running ever since and am so grateful for him. I don't know what I would've done without him.
- @emmalees921 ( Emma Donnelly )