Why I RunAnonymousMay 17, 2018high school, highschoolerComment Why I Run Why I RunAnonymousMay 17, 2018high school, highschoolerComment
almostdidntrunBen ConawayJuly 20, 2016workedhard, statequalifier, high schoolComment "I just chose to run and kept doing it" almostdidntrunBen ConawayJuly 20, 2016workedhard, statequalifier, high schoolComment
almostdidntrunNatalie MayJuly 20, 2016lostweight, workedhard, worked hard, high schoolComment "I lost 70 pounds and dropped 17 minutes off my 5k" almostdidntrunNatalie MayJuly 20, 2016lostweight, workedhard, worked hard, high schoolComment
almostdidntrunNick MaderoJuly 20, 2016high school, changedsports, soccer, coachbegged, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment "The cuts had to be made, and I was one of them" almostdidntrunNick MaderoJuly 20, 2016high school, changedsports, soccer, coachbegged, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrunCarson CarrollJuly 20, 2016changedsports, soccer, high school, coachbegged, regretnotjoiningsooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, wish i started sooner, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamilyComment "I have played soccer all of my life" almostdidntrunCarson CarrollJuly 20, 2016changedsports, soccer, high school, coachbegged, regretnotjoiningsooner, wishihadjoinedsooner, wish i started sooner, ilovemycoach, ilovexc, changedmyviewonrunning, myteamismyfamilyComment
almostdidntrunBrandon HarbrechtJuly 20, 2016high school, changedsports, baseball, workedhard, fromjvtovarsityComment "I couldn't imagine the pain" almostdidntrunBrandon HarbrechtJuly 20, 2016high school, changedsports, baseball, workedhard, fromjvtovarsityComment