"Mcfarland USA inspired me to be amazing"
Okay. So I dont' know if you want my xc story or nah, its not super overwhelming but it can encourage runners who don't start off with that "natural ability". So here, it is. It all began my 7th grade year (2014). I was a cruddy runner. I had no drive at all. I began the season with a really good team, our top runner usually placed first in like all of the meets. Okay anyway. Summer practice began in early June and I basically skipped out a lot. I started going to practice every now and then in July, but I still really sucked. Mandatory annual boot camp began in August. So I went to that and was dying. So one piece of advice RUN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN. The regular season began and our team was amazing. I was the last runner, but we still usually placed 1st or 2nd. Our last district meet i was unable to run because i was injured. I popped my hip out and what not, but my team placed 3rd I believe. We ended the season with 12-1? I don't remember. Then, my 8th grade year. That summer I watched the new Disney movie McFarland USA, which really inspired me to be amazing. I developed a very strong love for running (i also went through a breakup which helped me cope by running). I began attending every possible practice and run on my own. I ran at least twice a day. Then the season started, I already improved my mile time by 3 minutes from the previous season. I took 20th, rather than 100 something the season before. I grew a bond with my girls team that i've had with no other. I ended the season placing 10? at districts. This year I am starting my first year as a freshman runner, varsity, and I already love it. Stick with cross country because i almost quit my first year but look where i am now.
- @gracey_shrout ( Gracey Shrout )