"I had never run more than 3 miles, so I almost died"
So here is my "almost didn't run" story. I started running in the summer before 8th grade because two friends did the summer program and I just wanted to be with them. But in just the second day both of them were gone and I didn't know anyone so I just picked a group to run with. Little did I know it was the varsity captains and they were going 12 miles. I had never ran more than 3 and so I almost died. I didn't want to come back because it hurt so much and I was so sore but my friends got me to come back for a few more practices. I fell in love with it and eventually went all state junior and senior year and now I run at a small D1 school and wouldn't trade it for the world.
- @HunterHanson1 ( Justin Hunter Hanson )
Justin Hunter Hanson