"track and cross country aren't just about running, they're about family"

I almost didn't do cross country. I had always been a softball player, so it was all I ever wanted to do. I had always been told I was a talented runner but I only used those talents in softball. Well when I got cut from the team my sophomore year, I was devastated. But someone suggest that I join track to see if I'd like it and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made. Since I was really successful in my distance running on the track team and I displayed good leadership skills, I was asked to be a captain for the cross country team. The xc program at our school isn't very well developed so we only had 16 people on the team this year but those people became like my second family. We had so many different people on the team but I grew to love each one of them so much. Track and xc aren't just about running for me, they're about family.
- @chipsandsalsaa ( Amanda )