"initially signed up for cross country thinking it was cross country skiing"
I almost went through with not doing xc. I initially signed up for cross country thinking that it was cross country skiing, so naturally, I was super excited to sign up. But when I found out that it was running, the excitement wasn't there anymore, because seriously, who likes to run? When coach called at the beginning of the season, I told him that I decided not to do xc so I could focus on my grades. The rest of the year, I regretted not going through with it, so the next year, I signed up again, and I don't regret it for a single day. My school isn't big enough to have our own xc team, so we join with our rival school, and I have met so many amazing people through this sport, and wouldn't trade it for anything. Now I'm graduating, and I'm going to miss team bondings and hanging out at practices everyday.
- @5NicoleJohnson ( Nicole Johnson )