almostdidntrunMadison WellsJuly 24, 2016middleschool, parentsmademe, gymnastics, iquitandcameback, changedsports, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment "I realized how much I missed the sport" Here's my "I almost didn't run cross country" story, (It's quite long and complicated so I tried to make it as concise as possible). So in middle school I almost signed up for cross country, but never did due to my drama and gymnastics commitment. almostdidntrunMadison WellsJuly 24, 2016middleschool, parentsmademe, gymnastics, iquitandcameback, changedsports, myteamismyfamily, ilovexcComment
almostdidntrun Ivy StempkovskiJuly 20, 2016myteamismyfamily, changedsports, gymnastics, changedmylife, changedlifeComment "I needed a new sport" almostdidntrun Ivy StempkovskiJuly 20, 2016myteamismyfamily, changedsports, gymnastics, changedmylife, changedlifeComment