Jacob LutzComment

Why would you run?

Jacob LutzComment
Why would you run?

Why? Why run until your legs are in so much pain that you can't even feel them? Why run so hard that your heart is beating as fast as it can? Why train for months to get that one PR? Why eat healthy to cross the finish line 10 seconds faster than before? Why run 3.1 miles when you can just run 100 meters? Why do any of it? 

Thats what everyone says. Why would you run? Sometimes I have to ask myself the same questions. Its not easy, but why would I do it if it was easy? Why would I finish something being proud of how little I worked for it? When I finish a race, I know that I EARNED that PR. And when I don't get a PR? I know that its all a part of the process to get to that one good race. Not every race is a good race, but thats what makes the good races GREAT.

Halfway through every race I have to keep in mind, why do I run? I know exactly why. I love the feeling of pain in my legs because I know I'm working to reach my goals. I love the feeling of my heart beating as fast as it can because when i finish and I take a deep breath, I know I raced as best as I could. I love the feeling of finishing a race because I trained as hard as I could. I love eating healthy because I know its the tiny details that make running so amazing. I love the feeling of fighting through that last 0.1 of a 5k, because I know that its not the talent you have that matters. It's the grit. So when I step on the starting line, I KNOW what I did and what I am going to do to reach my goals. Thats why I run.

- Anonymous