Cross Country Is...
How can running fix all my problems? As if every step that drives me forward throws all my stress and anxiety far, far behind me. How can running clear my mind? Clear my mind of overthinking and thinking and thinking. How can the pure feeling of winning drive me to run again until I puke? How can success make me keep coming back for me? I always want to come back for more no matter the pain mentally and physically. You see, cross country has this effect on people. You get sucked into this world where running revolves around the sun. Where winning is an equal to breathing. Where anxiety doesn't exist except for when thinking about a race. Cross country is a family. When you run, you aren't running for yourself anymore. You're running for this second family of yours in hopes to make them proud. To make yourself proud. Cross country is waking up at 8 a.m., cross country is running 10 miles at a time, and cross country is a mental game. It can become a mental game to the point of where it pricks and prys and you night after night. Where you run for the sole purpose of becoming better, with every step you take, every breath that you breathe, and every ounce of sweat that falls off of you. Cross country just becomes your life. I've written for this page before, but it didn't do it justice as to what cross country has done in my life. I have been running since my seventh grade year, the year I almost quit. I am now going into my sophomore year. If I wouldn't have ran, I wouldn't have the friends I have now, the mentality, and all of the crazy memories I share with my team. If it weren't for cross country, I would be an anxious mess and I don't know where I would be today without it. If you ever want a sense of family, accomplishment, pain, happiness, and love, join cross country. I'm sure that you won't regret it.
- @gracey_shrout ( gracey shrout )