"Seven years ago I made a choice to run cross country, it's the best decision I've ever made"

"Seven years ago I made a choice to run cross country, it's the best decision I've ever made"

Cross Country has taught me more in life that I could put into words. My coaches always believed in me even when I wanted to give up. I ran in every race. I raced when I was injured. I raced when I was sick. I even raced when I was extremely exhausted and not recovered from the meets previously in the week. 

I ran all 3 years in middle school. All my friends ran. That’s all I knew. My freshman year I switched schools. This meant I knew nobody and had left my friends. I turned to the one thing I knew, cross country. Like in middle school all my friends came from this amazing sport. Because my school does not have many people or a middle school team, we failed to have 5 runners my sophomore and junior years. The start of my senior season began with 4 girls. I wanted to start and end my high school running career with a placing team. And just that happened. We ran with 6 girls for most of our meets. As a team we made school history by placing 6th in the league. This may seem like a not so good place to many schools, but this is why I run. To have an accomplishment like that. 

PR after PR, meet after meet, team dinners after team dinners, I didn’t think it would end. Sadly today, October 28th, I ran my last. The words I’m proud of you finally meant something to me more than anything in the world. Thank you Coach. Thank you teammates. Thank you spectators. Thank you Mom. Thank you for everything you’ve done. I hope to inspire others as much as this amazing sport has. I am forever grateful for this sport.

- Kayla Shaw