
dear cross country

dear cross country

at first you were a mystery to me
I couldn't comprehend why one would put herself through such misery
however i fell in love with track
so sophomore year i thought "what the heck?"
it wouldn't hurt to give you an attempt
and ever since then i've had one regret
if i could do it all over again
freshman year is when our journey would have began

now three seasons have gone by
and i cant believe how fast time flies
countless hot afternoons drenched with sweat
and fall days when i realized i should have brought a jacket
teammates came and went
but i'm so glad for the friendships that will be kept
you've pushed me to my limits and foots literal breaking point
because of you i've ached, in almost every joint
but that doesn't take away from the confidence you gave
teaching me that i am capable at practice everyday
the coaches you've blessed me with have helped me improve
not only as a runner, but as a person too

i wish that we could have had more time
but sadly its almost time to say goodbye
not to running, but to you the sport
that's given me more than i could have ever hoped for

with two more races left
know that ill give you nothing but my best
after all that we've been through
its the least that i can do

love you forever,

- Anonymous