To the one who never stops trying
I have always worked hard and strived to be the best I could at running, but it wasn’t until last year as a sophomore in high school that I really took off. I began medaling in every cross country meet and working harder then ever at practice. Towards the end of the season I was struggling with anxiety and when it came to the state qualifying meet, I choked. I threw up twice and passed out right after the finish line. Track came and I was just average. Cross country came and I had worked hard all winter and I began medaling in the top 10 for most meets and now track is back and I’m still just average. I'm trying harder than ever right now and despite all of that, my results would still be viewed as "just average." I've centered my life around the sport, I eat right, I always get to bed at a decent hour, I don't out too much either, I've made lots of sacrifices. And yet I'm still just average. Being this way has made me realize that we're all just fighting to be a little more then average and separate ourselves in any way that we can, trying desperately to stand out and be different. So to everyone who is out there trying, keep trying but realize it’s okay to be average.
- Anonymous