Jacob LutzComment

XC is a family

Jacob LutzComment
XC is a family

Cherish every moment you spend with your team. The sleepovers where you stay up until 3am talking. The bus rides where everyone is laughing and singing and happy. The warm ups when you're playing music and you're all singing and all the other teams are giving you weird looks. The practices where everyone fights through a hard work out together. The fast races where you're so proud of your teammates for running as fast as they did. The tough races where no one ran how they wanted and everyone brings each other up. Winning together. Losing together. Dreaming together. 

No one wants to believe it, but there will be a last. A last team cheer. A last time spiking up with your team. A last bus ride. Sleepover. Warm up. Cool down. Team dinner. A last time racing with the team you're on with your team colors on your chest. You will have to leave a team that has become your family. But just because you're no longer on the team, doesn't mean you've lost it. Family is forever.

- Anonymous