The strength of a runner is stronger in a pack.
I run. I run for fun, PR’s, the thrill, the competition, the medals. But no amount of ribbons or medals or PR’s are worth the amount that my teammates mean to me. The strength of a runner is always stronger in a pack. Yes, I run for fun, PR’s, the thrill, the competition, the medals. But I also run for the exhilarating, irreplaceable feeling of running across the line with a teammate. Running into the arms of your team, because they all know you just ran a PR and you gave it your all and their happiness matches yours. Every step of the way they cheer for you, run with you, and are excited for you. I run. I run for the feeling of everyone on my team PRing, for the feeling of huge group hugs after races, and uncontrollable crying from happiness. My strength comes from my team, my pack, my best friends.
- Anonymous