"I got a huge rush out of beating everyone in the timed mile"
I came to high school with no intentions of ever running cross country. Yes I liked to run but it never even crossed my mind to do it competitively. I played jv volleyball the fall season my freshman year and it wasn't for me. I didn't enjoy it like I thought I would but I got a huge rush out of beating everyone in the timed one mile we occasionally had to do. The next year, I knew I didn't want to play volleyball but I didn't want to do nothing. My dad suggested I run cross country and I was super hesitant. I had no idea what to expect or what it consisted of and didn't think I would be able to do it. Plus I didn't talk to a single girl on the team. After much thought I decided to give it a shot and I fell in love. I made so many new friends and memories and set a 17 year PR record at my school. I earned lots of medals and a spot on the AAA conference team. Wish I would've joined freshman year but can't wait for this upcoming season.
- @abett_12 ( Allie Bettlach )