My Greatest Thank You.

Running. A seven letter word that has made me who I am today.
When I started running in 8th grade it was more of a hobby. I ran track and field the previous year and was asked by my coach if I would be interested in running cross country the next fall.I said “Sure, why not” casually shrugging my shoulders. I didn't know how much this decision would change my life.
When that first practice came the following year in August, I swear to God I wanted to quit, running a full mile was so difficult. My coach came up after to ask how it was, and I told him that I didn't think I could do it anymore. He convinced me to come back the next day to try one more time so I agreed. The next day I started to run and it didn't seem to be as hard as I thought it was, if anything it became easier. After that I decided to try it out because at that point I didn't really know what I wanted to do in High School the next year and was trying to find a new sport to play since I had already quit softball. I ultimately decided to keep with running.
Flash forward 5 years to my senior year of high school and running has completely consumed my life. I am constantly at practice all year long, trying to get better at the thing I love most, even though I may not be the fastest or best at it.
Without running I wouldn’t have the knowledge about life that I have today. Once I finally found something that let me be who I am, it changed me. When I have had a bad day due to personal issues ( which I have recently been dealing with a lot) running is always there to help me through it. The sport has gifted me so many great opportunities and lifelong relationships with the people who see me at my highest and my lows on a daily basis, whereas most of my friends and family only see me at my best. I have had multiple days where I regret the sport I have decided to stick with, and some days where I wouldn't trade it for the world. Waking up six out of seven days all summer at 5:30am to go run 4+ miles and then lift after on two of those days is not how most people choose to spend their summer. The team dinners and breakfasts, the crying after a bad race, the high fives as I finish a hard workout or race, the countless laughs and smiles I put out when I am with my second family is something I wouldn't trade for the world.
The knowledge I have learned from coaches and teammates has molded me into the person I am and hope to continue to grow as. Running is who I am. On my high school team, we have say that sticks with me even when I am not running: the first is “If you run your best for me, I will run my best for you.” The knowledge of teamwork, sacrifice, and dedication is something I hope to carry with me into college and out into life after college.
If I could say one thing to the sport of running, my teammates and coaches as I get ready to enter college ….I would say Thank you. Thank you for helping to sculpt me into the girl I am currently and the girl I hope to become. Thank you for always believing in me, even when I don't believe in myself. Thank you for always pushing me to become better than I was the day before. Thank you for being my escape.
Runner. The six letter word that I am and something I definitely don't regret being.
- Anonymous