The Last Bus Ride.

As we gather, I take it all in. The team together, the stars still in the sky, and even the freshman in the back of the bus. For four long years, this has been my all. Running has been part of my life for longer than I feel I have been able to breath. But nothing compares to my running career in high school, especially this year.
As we ride, I think about how similar this year has been compared to a bus. Sometimes bumpy, sometimes too fast, but always full of life. Running is a lot like that. Sometimes you have a bad race, or go out too fast. But no matter what, running gives you a lively sensation; a new meaning. Now while running is in no way everything, it is a whole lot. Especially when you have a purpose every race. This year our motto has been embracing challenges together. And I don’t think anything else could describe this season or this team better.
Whether the boys team did well or the girls team did well, we were together. Nothing, nothing compares to the feeling of both teams going to semi state: TOGETHER. knowing how hard every single member of this team has worked; whether on varsity or not. Every kid has pushed someone at one time or another and helped us get to where we are now. Varsity may be the ones who continue racing, but not the only ones who continue caring. The word team can be a noun or verb. The definition of team as a verb is to come together to reach a common goal. That has our team described to a T. There are certainly members of this team faster than others, but that doesn’t mean the slow ones go unnoticed. Each person contributes to the team whether that be bringing snacks, bringing laughter, or bringing the coolest pumpkins to every race.
As I look around the bus, I feel so many memories. I see the smiling faces of the boys after their sectional win, Travis in the back of the bus proud after the day’s race, feel the sadness in my heart after last years regional, hear coach singing ice ice baby, his favorite, while bobbing his head, and remember Morgan and her loyal pillow pet. Often, the feeling on the way to a meet is a nervous one with all the nerves and hard work to get here in the back of your mind. But not today. Today is a day of remembrance; a live funeral some might say. A funeral for a few of our running careers.
When asked if I will be running in college, I really thought I would for a while there. But have come to the decision not to. I will happily!!! be focusing on school for now. But thinking about how my running career ended is something I will forever treasure. It’s always said ‘ xc is a second family’ and you never ever realize it until you’re a member of that family. Until not seeing them everyday makes you homesick. Until not running with them makes you miss the 1k repeats. Being with you guys this last year is something I can not describe with words. I woke up about 5 million times last night, restless, with one singular thought replaying in my mind, this is my last race with all of you.
How can it be??! I never said I had all the answers and I certainly don’t. How can I understand why the best memory of my life is now over? I just want you guys to know you really mean the absolute world to me and this team has been the best, funnest, funniest, and genuinest( I know, I know, not real words) teams I have ever been apart of. Here I go with the no words thing again but there really are no words to describe you guys or how much you mean to me and the other seniors. You’ve really made this a year to remember. So really, I guess I just want to say thank you and to never take this sport or more importantly this team for granted. I love you guys.
- Ellie Kiesel ( @elliekiesel )