Don't be ashamed to be a walk on.

Being a walk-on on my cross country team has always been something that I have been embarrassed of especially since I was the only one on my team that was one. I always tried so hard to make it seem that I was good enough to be a scholarship runner. Season after season I failed at this as being the obvious last finisher and struggling compared to my teammates in workout after workout. I had injury after injury and my mentality just wasn’t into running. I struggled with the fact that I may never reach my goal of becoming a scholarship collegiate athlete. During my junior year I knew this was my final chance to reach my goal so I put in more mileage than I ever had before, took care of my body, and made sure I did everything I could possibly do to make sure I was the best runner I could be and my indoor track season was the best it ever had been. I ran PRs meet after meet I was finally running times that my teammates were and I had never felt stronger. I finally no longer felt that I was holding my team behind but actually helping them. It was the end of track season and my coach finally offered my a running scholarship. I had finally reached my goal and I had never felt better. It felt so good to finally accomplish something that I had been working for years for. I don’t know why I ever felt ashamed to be a walk-on because I was no worse than anyone else on my team it just took me longer to reach my potential than my teammates but I think it felt so much better for me once I finally did and it gave me a chance to see how far I’ve really come and I’m so grateful for the coach that gave me a chance and helped me to become the amazing runner that I am now. I want everyone to know that they shouldn’t be embarrassed or ashamed to be a walk-on because hard work can go a long way and as long as you are giving your best you will become your best no matter what and it will become evident and you will see your progress and it alll the pain and suffering will become worth. You’ll see.
- Anonymous