Our Story - A poem about cross country

How, why, why do we put ourselves to this type of torture
How, why, why do we stop our pleasure of rest to go feel our pleasure of competition
How, why, do we start but want to end half way
How, why, why does it feel so good to finnish but hurts so bad to start
How, why, why do the long hot showers turn into a therapy session for your soul
How, why, why do we turn stif the day before, feel pain, send our body into shock, disintegrate the moss that blankets our joints
How, why, why are they just so quick, running with cheetahs
“How, why?” you may ask, but the answer is never herd. It is only understood through our pain, our pleasure, our love for running, our contradicting statements and actions.
How; we do it to be better.
Why; we do it for the rest to follow.
This is us but it starts with I.
-christofer, your friendly neighborhood cross country runner