I never knew a sport could change a life but running sure changed mine
The question "why do you run" is something I get asked pretty frequently. To be honest when I'm in the middle of a super hard workout I even ask myself that same question. Whenever someone asks me that I have no idea what to say. Sometimes my mind goes blank and other times a million thoughts race through my head. Most people think runners are crazy. "Why would you like to run for fun?" To answer that question, we aren't just running for fun. Everyone runs for a different reason and for me running plays a huge role in my life. Running is something that I can see for myself my own progress whereas is other things in life I can't see it. When I'm running I feel so free as the wind blows into my face. When I run I feel unstoppable, like my legs could run forever, like nothing can bring me down. I run so that I can think and so that I can be strong. I run so that I can conquer any challenge put in front of me. I run to prove that anything is possible. I run because the world is too spectacular to see things through the window. I run for the feeling it gives me hours after I stop. When my legs are burning and I'm sweating through my shirt I get the feeling of gratitude. I know it is something not all people can do. When people say "you can't" I can turn around and say "watch me" I run because of the people. Every time I cross the finish line and get to hug my sweaty teammates. Runners have big hearts and seeing them smile is always a highlight to my day. There are so many reasons to why I run but I never knew a sport could change a life and running sure changed mine.
- @Bailey__Dennis ( Bailey Dennis )