My first XC race I ran a 19:14... By the end of the season I dropped to a 18:00
Ok so I joined outdoor track in 10th grade. The coach pulled me up after I went 5:50 in the gym mile with no training. I went from 5:30 first meet to 5:15 the last of that season. I then get asked to join XC. I hesitate but only join because my friend who drums with me was on the team. The first practice I felt all scared and nervous. I wasn't anything crazy or talented. But after my first ear of XC that junior season, I developed a complete passion for running. The team parties, the post-race hangouts, and the family based atmosphere out working hard in the woods was inspiring. My first XC race I ran a 19:14 on a smooth course. By the end of the season, I'd dropped the time to 18:00 and fell in love. After a successful junior outdoor season, I was ready to go for XC again and go crazy my senior year. In the sport I love, after 582 miles in the summer, I finished my season with a 15:50 5k PR. I became the first boy to go to the state meet and I ended up finishing 15th. My one friend dragged me into XC and I was completely unknowing of its awesomeness and I'm so glad to have listened to him and waited it out. Without his unknowning, "Hey Caleb, you should join XC with me! Come on it'll be fun!" I would've never even heard of the best sport on earth: Cross Country
- @drummerboycaleb ( Caleb Covell ) - Runs for the University of Buffalo