Running Till my last breath... Literally.
When i was in middle school, i started having health issues. I would randomly drop to the floor and lose consciousness, my heart would almost stop beating. This would happen multiple times a day, everyday. i could hardly walk down the hallway without passing out. When i was a freshman in high school, i was inpatient at a hospital for 3 weeks to get my debilitating illness under control. When i left there, I no longer would pass out, but my doctors feared I may never be an athlete again. So as my competitive self would do, I naturally joined cross country, knowing it'd be a challenge. Little did I know it would become my whole life. To this day, i lose my vision for awhile when i run from being lightheaded. But i still have finished every single race. I'm now a junior, and cross country has saved me. I went from not being able to walk a block to being able to run 5ks. I went from a terminal illness to being a runner. I went from dying to thriving. I gained an amazing support group, amazing friends, and fell in love with this amazing sport. Never give up, if i can do it, you can too.
- Anonymous