"I was so close to telling my parents to just skip sign ups"
so I've always thought I was a good runner like top ten in the mile at school and I had ran on my own a few times. I didn't know what cross country was until one of my friends who was doing it explained to me and I was like.... I could do that. so I got all excited to join and stuff but then I find out I was too late to join for that season :( so I'm thinking about cross country until the next summer and I was debating if I still wanted to do it and if it would even work for my schedule. I was super nervous about doing it bc I thought I would be bad or I wouldn't know anyone or something like that and I was so close to telling my parents to just skip sign ups but I signed up anyway. I ended up with a bunch of new friends, more self confidence, self assurance, and 5 minutes off my first 5k. instead of running like a mile or two at home, I can run 9. I'm nervous but so so excited for this upcoming season!
- @Phia419 ( phia )