"I decided well, it's time to be a runner"
I like these "I almost didn't run cross country" posts so I wanted to do my own! So growing up I was extremely chubby and overweight while my older brother was extremely athletic and good at running. My freshman year in high school my parents wanted me to do xc because they thought it'd be a good way for me to meet people and get in shape but I blew it off and told them no. My brother was a senior while I was a freshman and he was the best xc runner at my school. So everyone my freshman year would always ask me "when are you going to be a runner like your brother". So after freshman year ended over the summer I decided well it's time to be a runner and get as good as my brother was and I started running and got into super good shape and when sophomore year came I joined cross country and it was the best decision I ever made. I met some of my closest friends through cross country and I've made some of the best memories I have because of cross country. Fast forward to right now I'm a junior and one of the best runners at my school.
- @Chriztopher_G ( Christopher G )