"turns out I ran an entire xc season with a labral tear and cartilage defect"
All these cross country posts got me feelin some sort of way. My first year was last year, my sophomore year for fun. I didn't go out freshman year because I was the typical track sprinter, "hell no I am not running more than a 400" and "I think I would die if I ran that much" No matter how much I say I hate it, cross was actually a bunch of fun. Met a bunch of new people and made a ton of memories that I will never forget. The best part was running with my friends, the conversations were great and time flew by and not even realizing you're running. But unfortunately in the beginning of the season, I had tons of hip pain and got told it was just weak hips. Did months of physical therapy and kept running at practice and meets. But when the pain didn't go away, I went back to the doctor and it turns out I ran a whole xc season and some of the track on a labral tear and cartilage defect and had to get surgery as soon as possible. Here's me sitting in bed, 2 weeks after surgery, waiting until I can run. After this whole situation, I just really hope I am ready for the next xc season, and for track I want to try out distance. It's crazy that the things that hurt us the most are the things we love the most.
- @elloneilll ( Ellie Oneill )